Important tips to boost employee integrity & satisfaction Blog # 3

What does employee integrity and satisfaction mean?

It means being moral, honest, consistent, and conducting oneself in an honorable manner.

Therefore, integrity is crucial to business success as it assists in developing the trust, creativity and open communication that is essential to business.

Integrity also means to be whole. This is particularly critical for a business who wants to be successful, to have unity and structure between staff members, departments, or between levels of management to maintain productivity and improvement.

Ways to Boost Integrity and gauge employee satisfaction in the workplace

As employee integrity is vital to a business, improving it among staff members should be a priority. 

Here are some ways to boost integrity in the workplace.

1) Being meticulous during the interview

Judgement calls as to whether a candidate can be trusted to act responsibly or not can be seen through the delivery of make-believe situations and illuminating questions in the answers they give. 

So, take the time to be meticulous with this.

2) Work for two-way communication

Promote superior degree of openness and clarity emphasizing on the notion that staff and management are working as one – towards the same goals.  

On the other hand, telling staff what they must do through a one-way conversation generates a barrier fostering an ununited us-versus-them environment and this can be toxic.

3) Actively listen 

Actively listen as it shows that you have not only provided the chance to communicate, but that what was said, has been heard and dealt with.

 4) Expectations must be crystal clear

A diverse form of communication is available to us nowadays.  From phones, emails, meetings (online and offline) and so many other methods, there must be no room for vagueness, uncertainty or what the consequences will be when there are violations.  

If any type of order must be imposed, this must be done in a speedy and reliable manner across the whole organisation.

5) Make no judgments

Everyone is different and they are not all going to having the same skills, thought processes or experience.  So do not shoot them down because of this difference.  

Recognize the advantages of their approach, thank them for their ideas, perceptions and involvement, then clarify your disagreement and provide answers that can be discussed instead of immediately rejecting what has been put across.  This will help the staff member feel it is safe to voice their thoughts.  

6) Staff recognition 

Recognize staff members who take part in discussions.  They have taken a risk, opened themselves up to perhaps dismissal and humiliation. 

Demonstrate your appreciation in them taking that risk.  The incentive can be as easy as an acknowledgement of “thank you” or something of a more remarkable nature.  

Make it obvious to them that you appreciate their effort, as it is positive reinforcement for the next time round.

7) Build trust, gain honesty

The culture that is created will result in the employee satisfaction that you get. So, remain approachable, don’t just give orders.  Create a culture of mutual respect and you will have their honesty. 

So, build the trust, gain honesty, and look forward to human relationships. 

8) Support genuine openness 

Be open, clear and expect openness and clarity in return. 

Ask for feedback frequently and have the “open door” policy always.  This will ensure that the feedback given is natural and honest so that it can be used constructively.     

Ensure Frequent, Continuous Interaction

Regularly check in with your staff members.  

Are they finding their work gratifying? Is it a constant challenge for them?  Are they supporting a good work-life balance?  Are their individual and career objectives being met? 

Understand your staff members’ needs. More understanding of their needs will lead to understanding if their needs are being met.