Tips for customer service & sales techniques Blog # 2

Three important factors we must consider when it comes to giving excellent customer service

1) Approach

The approach you take towards your customer when they are upset or conducting themselves poorly.  It is up to you to get around the situation and act in a manner where you can present your brand in a positive manner.  

2) Our uniqueness

Everyone is different. Although in general, as human beings, we have some similarities, everyone of us acts, learns, reacts, listens, thinks, conducts ourselves in a different manner.  Therefore, offering excellent service may mean that we need to be imaginative and accommodating.  

3) Customer-first

Your customer service strategy should emphasize on the thought of kindness and take on a customer-first attitude.  We need to remember that excellent customer service is the kind of service being delivered and although money is the transaction, it is not the most significant element of the transaction.  The relationship you form with the customer, is. 

Three important factors we must consider when it comes to sales techniques

1) Build rapport

There is many a time when a salesperson will dive in immediately and ask the customer tons of questions or instantly start showing the products or talk about their services.  This can seem pushy, and the customer does not like to be backed into the corner.   

The effective way to approach a customer is to immediately build rapport.  This can be done easily by perhaps chatting about the weather, the holidays, the weekend, children.  

Sharing small common pleasantries will put your customer at ease and make you human, relatable, and not seen as that pesky salesperson.

2) Active listening

Some salespeople do not listen when a customer is talking and all they can think about is presenting the product/service.  This will not win the sale.  

A more valuable selling technique is active listening facilitating for a conversation with the customer that is not one-sided only.  Listen to their queries, concerns, doubts, objections, and you will be able to reply suitably.  

This also encourages the customer to trust you more.  People will buy from the people they trust. 

3) Needs analysis and solutions offering

Customers will listen to a salesperson if they can see that there is a solution that is going to work for them.  Combine active listening to discover what the customer really wants.  Ask relative questions to get the feel of what they really need and how the product/service can be of benefit to them.  This will allow you to personalize your pitch and the customer will be comfortable trusting and listening to you.  You have made them feel like the solution is something that will work for them, not you.